Trauma can get stored in the body in various ways, including:
- The nervous system: Trauma can cause the nervous system to become dysregulated, resulting in a heightened state of arousal or hypervigilance. This can cause the body to remain in a state of fight-or-flight, even in situations where there is no immediate danger.
- Muscle tension: Trauma can cause the muscles to tense up and remain in a state of tension, resulting in pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. This can lead to the development of chronic pain conditions.
- The immune system: Trauma can also affect the immune system, causing it to become dysregulated and more susceptible to illness and disease.
- The brain: Trauma can change the way the brain functions, particularly in areas related to memory, emotion regulation, and stress response. This can result in a heightened sensitivity to triggers and an increased risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- Energy blockages: According to some alternative healing practices, trauma can cause energy blockages in the body, disrupting the flow of energy through the body’s various energy channels. This can lead to physical symptoms and affect overall well-being.
Overall, trauma can affect the body in various ways, and the way it is stored in the body can differ from person to person. Understanding how trauma can be stored in the body can help individuals develop strategies to manage their symptoms and promote healing.
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